Archives for Case Studies

Case Study: Getting support to develop inclusive communication

The Access for All campaign is attracting wide support from many different people and organisations but where is it you can go for advice and support?  Previous columns have highlighted simple steps all of us can take to make any business, service or even our own interactions with people more inclusive. In this article I will highlight where you can get additional information, advice and support around inclusive communication. This will not be an exhaustive list because there are many individuals and organisations who can give excellent advice and support depending on the type of question that you have. However,
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Case Study: Joe, Researcher

Joe M., 27, applied for a position within a well known marketing firm. Joe has a hearing impairment, and had been looking for a position which would allow him to use his abilities in online work whilst accommodating his disability. Within the application form, there was no ‘Guaranteed Interview Scheme’ box, so Joe informed them of his disability within his personal statement. Having made it to interview, Joe was asked by email what he needed in order to attend the interview. The marketing firm were honest in telling him that they had no experience of providing communication support and openly
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Case Study: Rhian Campbell Disability Equality Internship Programme ‘The key, the door & Dypraxia’

The key, the door & Dypraxia “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein Albert Einstein’s quote has always increased my confidence in times of difficulty because it reminded me of something very simple: everyone is different and everyone is brilliant. Climbing a tree to most people will seem a very simple task to most people but to others it is an impossible task. Just like unlocking my office door. Despite the professional importance of the job I’m about to undertake I find
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Blog: Let’s try it this way…

I started working with Scottish Disability Equality Forum about three years ago.  The biggest challenge for me was understanding who our membership was and how best to communicate to them all.  The process in place when I started wasn’t wrong at all but I felt it could be simplified, especially with the membership increasing weekly. Our membership is open to all disabled people, therefore the communication needs varied a lot and this resulted in spending days ensuring each member received exactly the format of information they requested, for example: Yellow paper Large fonts in varying sizes Audio tape CD Print
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