Monthly Archives December 2016

Dyslexia Alert Cards by Aurora Betony

Dyslexia Alert Cards By Aurora Betony Dyslexia Scotland is piloting the Dyslexia Alert Card shown below I think it will: help dyslexic people to ask for the help they need help dyslexic people and others communicate successfully with each other raise dyslexia awareness What does the card say on it? that you have dyslexia some things you might need help with that the person reading it should ask you how to help you details of Dyslexia Scotland’s helpline and website. How I use the card The card is the size of a credit card so I carry it around with me
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We need to move forward from a negative medical model definition for dyslexia

The following blog is by Stephen McCue. Hi hope you are all feeling fab out there. We need to move past a medical model definition of dyslexia that tells us we are broken. A definition that tells us we as dyslexics are the problem.It’s a model that sees us being segregated, marginalized and denied access to an education together with non dyslexics in an inclusive learning environment. It’s our education system that fails dyslexics not being dyslexic itself. We need to nurture not remediate.  We need teachers in every classroom trained to enable us to learn. That’s why I support and
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